Tahoma Specialty Pest Services 1818 W. Francis Ave #333 Spokane, Wa 99205-6834 (509) 978 7830
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Earning his pest control stripes as a route manager at Sprague Pest Solutions for 11 years, Vernon gathered an unmeasurable amount of experience and knowledge about pest control. With an expert level of attention, unwavering dedication to customer service, and a multitude of other skills, Vernon set out to create Tahoma Pest Management. His goal was to bring effective solutions, at an affordable price with an emphasis on good environemental stewardship. Take care of your clients, and the money will take care of itself. This is the philoso- phy Vernon practices with every client served. As an avid explorer of the worlds of insects and nature, it is easy for Vernon to fit in yet another love – beekeeping. In conjunction with Tahoma Pest Management, Vernon is also a beekeeper and owner of Craig Family Honey Farms. The company is a true family operation with Dad, Mom, three boys, and Grandma making up the team. The bees are raised in Langstroth and Warre hives at the Craig Family Honey Farms apiaries located in the mountain forrests North of Spokane, Wa. To learn more about Vernon, Tahoma Pest Management, and Craig Family Honey Farms be sure to follow us on social media, or follow our blog at: pestblog.us
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Tahoma Specialty Pest Services 1818 W. Francis Ave. #333 Spokane, Wa. 99205-6834 (509) 978 7830
Craig Family Linkedin Button
Earning his pest control stripes as a route manager at Sprague Pest Solutions for 11 years, Vernon gathered an unmeasurable amount of experience and knowledge about pest control. With an expert level of attention, unwavering dedication to customer service, and a multitude of other skills, Vernon set out to create Tahoma Pest Management. His goal was to bring effective solutions, at an affordable price with an emphasis on good environemental stewardship. Take care of your clients, and the money will take care of itself. This is the philosophy Vernon practices with every client served. As an avid explorer of the worlds of insects and nature, it is easy for Vernon to fit in yet another love – beekeeping. In conjunction with Tahoma Pest Management, Vernon is also a beekeeper and owner of Craig Family Honey Farms. The company is a true family operation with Dad, Mom, three boys, and Grandma making up the team. The bees are raised in Langstroth and Warre hives at the Craig Family Honey Farms apiaries located in the mountain forrests North of Spokane, Wa. To learn more about Vernon, Tahoma Pest Management, and Craig Family Honey Farms be sure to follow us on social media, or follow our blog at: pestblog.us
Meet The Owner
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(509) 978-7830
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(509) 978-7830